Thursday, September 26, 2013

Energy Saving Tips Expel Hot Air

Home is a place where we take shelter and stay . We get the protection as well as comfort and ter , knya matahani rays and cold weather in the rain .The ideal air temperature inside the house ranges from 24 -26 degrees centigrade . Menasa residents would be uncomfortable if the air temperature in the room to be extreme .  
For example, if in the summer , it will feel stiflingly hot because the heat does not come out . The hot air is trapped due to opening too little room , are responsible for hat mi.Putty air conditioning could be the answer . But the use of air conditioning or air conditioner ( AC ) is not the right answer as a solution to save energy .Hot air can be mitigated by several factors such as : proper spatial planning , pengun aan angen fan platoon . avoid greenhouse effect , and planting greenery .Air circulation in the affected areaby the interior . Openness between spaces can make free air into water and space front to back . The notion of openness is cultivated spaces that are not constrained by the massive materials .Placement of large furniture , should not be placed in the middle of the room . should be sealed to the wall . 
 Limiting the room was arranged to allow air to pass through , for example with bamboo material .Normally . in hot weather conditions , hot temperatures will rise to the top and many gathered in the ceiling area . Use ceiling fans to be one solution . In addition to beautify the room . tool can function optimally mi sebaga heat repellent and ceiling area .Like a bum , the home also menghadapl kondis greenhouse effect . Conditions that make the hot air trapped because of exposure to heatsun . Transparent materials such as glass and large pohkarbonat generally make the condition occurs .For menghindana heat , try a transparent material is not exposed directly by matahani rays . It can mi aan pengun diseasata with barriers such as kiss - KEST . sunshade or canopy .Another solution in the form of laying greenery area home openings . besides the oxygen and results fotosintesanya . plants also bermanf aat sebagal absorbing solar radiation not only planting trees in halarnan home . but the area also needs it .The trick with high dengari meetakkan hejau plants around the window parallel to the window , to the type of plants that can dlpilih is • plants with dense leaves .By saving energl to expel hot air , is the first step to global pemnasan menguranga .


Minimalist house design concept aims to increase the value of an entire room ( exterior and interior ) by reducing the excessive everything in the room . minimalist philosophy lifestyle represents a practical , dynamic , concise , effective and efficient , which is applied in all aspects of life including architecture , interior space and exterior gardens . Space becomes felt relieved ( empty , immortality , meditative atmosphere ) as the primary needs of residents, optimize the circulation of healthy fresh air , and lighting is abundant sunshine ( rich color ) .

Minimalist home design eliminates saturation with the use of decorative ornaments , trinkets accessories . Character and quality of spaces created is determined by the existence of space itself , not by the furniture and accessories trinkets in it . Minimalism is a translation of a style and pattern of life of the present fast-paced , simple and instant , but maintaining the quality . While minimalism is the embodiment of order life , thought patterns and modern idealism . Use of simple materials ( strong simple elements ) instead of luxury with expensive materials and natural materials ( elements of harmony with nature ) . Exposure domination materials ( soft and hard ) certain will produce different effects .

Design and calculation detail structure can save the use of materials with the results building and garden house optimum artistic appearance . The selection of minimalist home design , whether it's building facades , the composition of the room , no interior and exterior no doubt become part of daily life as well as mirrors today's lifestyles . The more specific options design , the more clearly illustrated how the character of the house .

In line with a dynamic lifestyle , style trends that emphasize elements of hygiene triggered the model building leads to a more minimalist style , more precisely called minimalist modern . According to people's lifestyles are increasingly dynamic , residential style trend today is more emphasis on functionality with a style that tends to smooth .

CONCEPT : Water Front

Maybe we still common to hear the term Water front Development we certainly more familiar with the term Green or Green Property Development . Water front Development is developing the concept of either the waterfront area by the river . Definition of " water front " in Indonesian is literally riverside area , part of the city bordered by air.Istilah Waterfront Development is already long in use for the development of some urban areas near the water's edge . The concept of development is already in use by some developed and developing countries include: USA, Dubai , and several other European and Asian countries . Development of the waterfront area is already starting to be developed since 1980 and originated in the territory of the United States.
Type - the type of Water frontBased on the type of project , the waterfront can be divided into 3 types , namely conservation , redevelopment ( the redevelopment ) , and development (development ) .- Conservation
Is the arrangement or the old fashioned water front which still exists to this day and enjoy keeping people- Redevelopment
Is an effort to revive the functions of the old water front which is still used for the benefit of society by changing or rebuilding the facilities - the existing facilities .- DevelopmentIs creating a business that meets the needs of the city waterfrontcurrent and future by reclaiming beaches .
These aspects are the Basis for Design of Waterfront Development Conceptexisting waterfront areas design , there are two important aspects that underlie the decision - which produced a draft decision . The second aspect is the geographical and urban context factors ( Wren , 1983 and Toree , 1989) .a. Geographical factors
A factor related to the geographic area and will determine the type and usage patterns . Included in this are water condition , the dimensions and configuration , the tides , and is able to provide water .
- The condition of land , the size , configuration , soil bearing capacity , and ownership .- Climate , namely regarding the kind of season , temperature , wind , and rainfall .

b . Urban context ( Urban Context )Is are all factors which will give its own characteristics for the city in question and determine the relationship between the developed waterfront area with relevant parts of the city . Included in this aspect are :- User , ie those who lived , worked or traveled in the waterfront area , or simply "own " the area as a public facility .
- Khasanah history and culture , the site or historic building that need to be determined direction of development ( eg, restoration , renovation or adaptive use ) and part of the tradition that should be preserved .- Achievement and circulation , ie access to and from the site and circulation arrangements therein .- Visual character , the things that will give that distinguish one region to the other waterfront .

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Arsitektur Perlindungan Dan Arsitektur Pernaungan

Arsitektur Pernaungan --->Arsitektur yang mensyaratkan adanya atap.
Arsitektur Perlindungan-->arsitektur yang mensyaratkan adanya atap dan dinding.

Arsitektur Pernaungan( Nusantara)
  • Orientasi keluar
  • Terhubung dengan lingkungan sekitar
  • Beratap dan  tidak berdinding

Arsitektur Perlindungan(Barat)
  • orientasi kedalam
  • tertutup dengan lingkungan sekitar
  • berdinding dan beratap

Arsitektur Nusantara--->Kolong = Pernaungan
                                        Panggung = Perlindungan

Building Ecology

People and buildings are as intrinsically infused with nature as bees and their hives are with honey. Unfortunately the effects of our building industry are far less sweet. Unlike bees, whose produce is nourishing, the process of constructing and operating buildings often creates environmental outcomes that are not. Due to the non-ecological structure of the building industry and the historical lack of environmental awareness of many building professionals, the way buildings, built environments and the process of building have been created, has played a major role in the decline in Earth’s ecological health. Ecosystems are life-supporting systems and building that can be sustained by ecosystems rather than damage them is urgently required. The intent of this book therefore, is to provide a way of
extending the understanding of building from mere regard for the structure and material to include all of the natural systems with which all building is interdependent. It also extends the concept of the building professional from one who helps make a structure, to one who builds a system of relationships between ecosystems and human systems. In essence this book is designed as an introduction to a systems approach to thinking about building for people new to the fi eld of ecologically sustainable building.

Modern science is providing a far more detailed perspective of the way ecosystems function. This new knowledge is now beginning to be used by building professionals and the building industry in order to protect the life-supporting goods and services of ecosystems, and provide the basis for sustained life opportunity on Earth. Building Ecology presents approaches to gaining knowledge about the environmental infl uences of building in a holistic framework that helps students of building professions and practising professionals to:
• understand the interdependencies of buildings and nature;
• understand how building affects nature;
• understand what is and is not sustainable;
• understand how building can work with nature.

Mengurus IMB (Izin mendirikan Bangunan)

Izin untuk mendirikan bangunan sangat penting,bangunan yang anda buat haruslah memiliki kepastian hukum atas kelayakan,kenymanan dan keamanan strukturnya.izin ini tidak hanya untuk mendirikan bangunan baru,untuk membongkar,menambah,mengubah bentuk struktur wajib memiliki IMB.
Persiapan pengurusan IMB
Untuk membuat IMB diperlukan beberapa dokumen-dokumen sebagai persyaratan kelengkapannya, secara umum yang diperlukan adalah sebagai berikut.
  • Formulir permohonan IMB. Diperoleh di kelurahan, kecamatan, kabupaten walikota
  • Fotokopi KTP pemilik
  • Fotokopi pelunasan Pajak Bumi Bangunan (PBB) terakhir
  • Fotokopi buku kepemilikan tanah yang sah
  • Gambar arsitektur rumah berikut gambar situasi rumah

Sunday, September 01, 2013

Komposisi Pada Fasade Bangunan

Perkembangan fasade sebuah bangunan itu sendiri sangat bergantung pada perubahan-perubahan sosial budaya masyarakat. Keberagaman tampilan fasade bangunan merupakan modifikasi berbagai unsur desain yang dari waktu ke waktu mengalami transformasi. Menurut Ching (1979: 50-51) “Perlengkapan visual bentuk yang menjadi objek transformasi dan modifikasi bentuk elemen pada fasade bangunan meliputi sosok, ukuran, warna, tekstur, posisi, orientasi dan inersia visual.” Selain tradisi lokal, budaya luar melalui informasi yang didapat masyarakat memberikan pengaruh yang kuat terhadap pemilihan perlengkapan visual bentuk sehingga tampilan sosok, warna, ukuran, tekstur, dan lain-lain seringkali menggambarkan bagaimana kondisi serta trend apa yang sedang muncul pada saat desain fasade itu dibuat.
Untuk mengevalusai atau melakukan studi pada arsitektur fasade menurut DK Ching (1979): “Komponen visual yang menjadi objek transformasi dan modifikasi dari fasade bangunan dapat diamati dengan membuat klasifikasi melalui prinsip-prinsip gagasan formatif yang menekankan pada geometri, simetri, kontras, ritme, proporsi dan skala “
Geometri pada fasade yaitu gagasan formatif dalam arsitektur yang mewujudkan prinsip-prinsip geometri pada bidang maupun benda suatu lingkungan binaan, segi tiga, lingkaran, segi empat beserta varian-variannya.
Simetri yaitu gagasan formatif yang mengarahkan desain bangunan melalui keseimbangan yang terjadi pada bentuk-bentuk lingkungan binaan. Dibagi menjadi; simetri dengan keseimbangan mutlak, simetri dengan keseimbangan geometri, simetri dengan keseimbangan diagonal. Untuk membangun suatu keseimbangan komposisi, simetri harus jauh lebih dominan dari asimetri. Fasade harus memiliki „wajah-wajah‟ yang mencerminkan solusi terencananya yang berbeda tetapi tetap simetris di dalam diri mereka sendiri

(analog terhadap tubuh manusia). Tampak samping, seperti yang terlihat, dapat memainkan peran minor dalam menyeimbangkan tampak depan dan belakang. Kontras Kedalaman yaitu gagasan formatif yang mempertimbangkan warna dan pencahayaan kedalaman menjadi perbedaan gelap terang yang terjadi pada elemen fasade. Tingkat perbedaan dikategorikan menjadi 3; sangat gelap, gelap, terang.
Ritme yaitu tipologi gambaran yang menunjukan komponen bangunan dalam bentuk repetasi baik dalam skala besar maupun skala kecil. Komponen yang dimaksud dapat berupa kolom, pintu, jendela atau ornamen. Semakin sedikit ukuran skala yang berulang, dikategorikan ritme monoton, semakin banyak dikategorikan dinamis.
Proporsi yaitu perbandingan antara satu bagian dengan bagian lainnya pada salah satu elemen fasade. Dalam menentukan proporsi bangunan biasanya mempertimbangkan batasan-batasan yang diterapkan pada bentuk, sifat alami bahan, fungsi struktur atau oleh proses produksi. Penentuan proporsi bentuk dan ruang bangunan sepenuhnya merupakan keputusan perancang yang memiliki kemampuan untuk mengolah bentuk-bentk arsitektur, mengembangkan bentuk-bentuk geometri dasar dan sebagainya, yang tentunya keputusan dalam penentuan proporsi tersebut ada dasarnya.
Skala dalam arsitektur menunjukkan perbandingan antara elemen bangunan atau ruang dengan suatu elemen tertentu dengan ukurannya bagi manusia. Pada konteks fasade bangunan, skala merupakan proporsi yang dipakai untuk menetapkan ukuran dan dimensi-dimensi dari elemen fasade
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